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KONGSBERG PCS achieves ISO accreditation for environmental management.

Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems has successfully achieved the international standard on environmental management, ISO 14001, after being assessed on the production, delivery, and servicing of its market-leading cutting systems.

The ISO 14001:2015 accreditation applies to the environmental aspects of Kongsberg PCS’ business. The company met the stringent requirements of the International Organization for Standardization, which specifies the requirements for an environmental management system that an organization can use to enhance its environmental performance.

“Our mission as a business is to fuse technology and creativity to enable our customers to produce the highest quality products faster, safer, and more efficiently, maximizing their potential for creativity, sustainability, and profitability,” said Stuart Fox, Kongsberg PCS President, and CEO. “Achieving ISO 14001 is evidence that as an organization we are seeking to manage our environmental responsibilities in a systematic manner that contributes to the environmental pillar of sustainability.”

The ISO 14001:2015 standard was developed to help an organization achieve the intended outcomes of its environmental management system, which provides value for the environment, the organization itself and other interested parties such as customers.

“The standard is consistent with our own environmental policy,” added Stuart. “We are delighted to have successfully demonstrated that our environmental management system ensures the production, delivery, and servicing of our cutting systems delivers enhanced environmental performance, fulfills all compliance obligations, and helps our business and our customers to achieve environmental objectives.”

Check out Kongsberg new video here and discover how the production facility in Brno, Czech Republic, achieved ISO accreditation.

For more on the Kongsberg X series or the entire range of digital finishing solutions and tools from Kongsberg PCS, please contact your local Dynagraph representative.

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