Kodak Magnus VLF

Kodak Magnus VLF

Elevate your folding carton production to new heights with Kodak’s state-of-the-art, fully-automated large-format Computer to Plate (CTP) solutions. The KODAK MAGNUS VLF Platesetter, available in both 24-page and 36-page formats, stands as one of the industry’s quickest CTP systems. It combines rugged durability with reliable performance, achieving speeds of over 52 plates per hour across multiple automation levels.

Product Information

52.6 pph

Highest throughput of the Q2400 model at its top W-speed
setting and with the Automatic Pallet Loader option

3600 plates

Maximum plate capacity of the Automatic Pallet Loader,
across up to 6 pallets of different plate sizes

82 inches

Largest VLF plate width supported (2,083 mm), on the Q3600
model, with top W-speed throughput of 28.1 plates per hour

100% access

Stay connected to the MAGNUS Q4800 Platesetter at all
times with the KODAK Mobile CTP Control App

Kodak Magnus VLF

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